The Extraordinary Assembly for the Chapala Haciendas Fracc was held on August 27, 2022. The agenda was to introduce the candidates for President, Secretary and Member at Large (Vocal), allow attendees...
The Extraordinary Assembly held today, July 16, 2022 at Cardenal #8 was to allow the Fracc residents to vote to accept or reject the 6,500 peso additional assessment required to complete payment on th...
The BOD meeting on Saturday, July 9, 2022 did not start or end like a typical BOD meeting. The meeting today was mostly a question and answer discussion between the BOD and the residents in attendance...
The extraordinary meeting held on June 4, 2022 on the grounds of the FRACC office was to present the community members in attendance with information of the process of applying for a concession licens...
This was posted on Facebook ” Vecinos Chapala Haciendas” by Chuck Poulsen (BOD member) on 5/28/2022 Members of the board met this morning with RSM, the new contractors for drilling the wel...