The BOD met on Saturday, April 15, 2023. The BOD has accomplished quite a lot in the past seven months. The members have worked very hard and today was just one of those days when emotions needed to ...
The first meeting of the BOD after the General Assembly was held on Saturday, April 8, 2023. The main topic of discussion was the fire that threatened Chapala Haciendas 3. Mountain Fire Update: The Pr...
The first call for the March 25, 2023 General Assembly occurred at 12:01 pm. After signing in, each voting member in attendance received a 2023 budget statement, a voting ballot for the administrator’...
The first session of the General Assembly was held on March 18th at 12 noon. As anticipated although the terraza was fully occupied, there were not enough members in attendance to make a quorum. Two ...
The BOD met on Saturday March 11, 2023 for their last official meeting before the first general assembly date which is planned to be a question and answer session. As a reminder, the preliminary gener...
The Fracc Board of Directors met on Saturday, March 4, 2023. Much of the discussion was centered around the upcoming General Assembly and the preparations that are required. Security The members of th...
The BOD met on Saturday, February 18, 2023 for their second meeting of the month. Much of the meeting was dedicated to preparing for the upcoming General Assembly in March. Personnel Changes: Yazmin h...
The BOD met on Saturday, February 4, 2023 for their first meeting of the month. The meeting covered quite a range of topics and some previously discussed plans are in the final stages. General Assembl...
The Board of Directors met on Saturday, January 14 for its second meeting of 2023. With the well issue almost behind us, the BOD is focusing on finances and security, as well as some long range planni...